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System Judit Layana System Judit Layana

How does the AI work?

PoolScout is the only pool monitoring system that can distinguish between toddlers, adults and pets in realtime. It automatically recognises unsafe scenarios, allowing for priceless time to react.

PoolScout is the only pool monitoring system that can distinguish between toddlers, adults and pets in realtime. It automatically recognizes unsafe scenarios, allowing for priceless time to react.

It works with a proprietary algorithm, constantly learning from previous scenarios.

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Important Console Management Important Console Management

Training & improving the AI

PoolScout constantly learns from previous detections. Marking an event as a "False Alarm" allows PoolScout to improve faster.

PoolScout constantly learns from previous detections. Marking an event as a "False Alarm" allows PoolScout to improve faster.

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System Judit Layana System Judit Layana

Does PoolScout work at night?

PoolScout's AI is currently active from sunrise until sunset, but the livestream can be accessed 24/7. Security mode and ‘Pool in Use’ notifications also work 24/7.

Performance of the detection capabilities at night, or any other challenging scenarios with low light or obstructions, may impact PoolScout’s performance.

PoolScout's AI is currently active from sunrise until sunset, but the Live Stream can be accessed 24/7. Security mode and ‘Pool in Use’ notifications also work 24/7.

Performance of the detection capabilities at night, or any other challenging scenarios with low light or obstructions, may impact PoolScout’s performance.

Photo by Brian Marco

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Alerts Console Management Alerts Console Management

What is ‘PoolScout Labs’?

Over the last 12 months, we’ve been testing and upgrading PoolScout through a Beta program with over 200 participants in the USA. Thanks to their ongoing feedback, PoolScout AI has been constantly learning and improving.

However, there are certain capabilities that need further work, so we keep them under a ‘Labs’ section, so those customers who want to test them before we launch them for everyone.

Over the last 12 months, we’ve been testing and upgrading PoolScout through a Beta program with over 200 participants in the USA. Thanks to their ongoing feedback, PoolScout AI has been constantly learning and improving. However, there are certain capabilities that need further work, so we keep them under a ‘Labs’ section, so early adopters can try them ahead of release.

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